Monday, July 15, 2013

Clear Skin Now Acne

It can seem tempting to do so, but don't pick at your blackheads or go on a pimple-popping rampage! Blemishes should be treated with creams or other medications. You can cause scarring and infection by picking acne. Your skin can become discolored for years after it has been picked at.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

New Proactive For Sensitive Skin

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Use toothpaste to help treat a pimple. This will help take the redness out and clear up the pimple. Don't use a gel toothpaste because it can harm your skin. You should only leave toothpaste on your skin until it stops tingling. Leaving it on too long can irritate your skin.

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Work to minimize the stress in your life and get regular exercise, these are two of the biggest factors in helping to control acne. There is no one cure for acne, it is a combination of things, but stress reduction and a regular exercise program will contribute to minimizing your acne.

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Many people overlook the importance of getting a good night's sleep when it comes to defeating acne. Your skin needs a chance to heal, and without sufficient sleep, it won't get to heal and will suffer as a consequence. So for a glowing complexion, don't forget to hit the hay!

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Water is an integral part of acne prevention. The reason for this is that water is essential for removing dead skin cells from your body. If these dead skin cells are not quickly removed, they can block pores and cause breakouts. Therefore, to keep your skin clear, you must make sure to drink a sufficient amount of water every day.

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New acne-fighting gadgets that are on the market, claim to quickly and effectively eliminate acne within hours. While these devices have been proven to treat acne, at over $100 each, they are overpriced and unnecessary. Especially is this the case when you find out that these machines work simply by directing intense heat at the offending blemish.

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Use toothpaste to spot treat your acne. Toothpaste drys out pimples in the same way more expensive clay masks do. Applying a small amount of toothpaste before bed to a pimple will remove the dirt and oil from the blemish, causing the pimple to disappear overnight. Using toothpaste to spot treat acne will also help keep the rest of your skin moisturized.